You watch, you decide.
You watch, you decide.
Posted on March 14, 2014 at 07:28 AM in Current affairs, Media, New Media, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Vladmir Putin may be losing his grip on reality says German Chancellor Merkel. Hillary Clinton compares Putin to Nazi Germany. Putin timed his threats over the Ukraine to coincide with a pre-announced launch of an inter-continental ballistic missile. He sent a warship to Cuba, is patrolling very close to our maritime borders, supports Iran and is making deals with Communist China. Russia matters.
Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld both said the same thing within the past week. Our president has conducted himself in a way that has given the rest of the world the clear impression that we are weak economically, weak morally, weak militarily and have a weakened political system that is weak on threats to democracy. In other words, Obama has made America more vulnerable in direct contravention of his first and foremost job, protecting the security of our nation and defending our Constitution.
Now, having diagnosed the very serious condition in which we find ourselves, what do we do to heal these problems and how much time do we have to get back on our feet? The answer is: we have precious little time and we need radical change.
Impeachment takes too long and it would get hung up in the Senate. Obama's term in office isn't up until January 2017. So how do we rid ourselves of this sickness?
We must take back the majority in the Senate, increase our seats in the house and move swiftly to remove him from office or at the very least deny him any power over our future.
If you really think that the world is just awash with enthusiasm over Obama then let's assume you are right. Why would they be? Is the rest of the world thrilled that we have enjoyed so much prosperity? Do they celebrate our successes? No.
The rest of the world is like a pack of wolves at our doorstep, living off the scraps we throw into the yard but waiting patiently for the one opportunity to exploit our weakness to come inside, take all the food and eat us in the process if possible.
Why does Russia matter? Because they have just demonstrated for the rest of us how totally inept and dangerous the Obama administration really is.
Posted on March 05, 2014 at 08:18 AM in Constitutional Law, Crimes and Punishment, Current affairs, Media, New Media, Idiocracy, Liberalism, Liberty, Mitch McConnell, Obama, Patriotism, Radical Islam, Right To Bear Arms, Socialism, TEA Party, United Nations, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Iranian warships have been ordered to approach the United States Maritime Borders. Consider the timing. It was reported just three days ago that the International Atomic Energy is questioning Iran about their possession of nuclear detonators. The peaceful development of nuclear energy certainly doesn't require detonators.
The issue of detonator development was mentioned in a report that the IAEA prepared in 2011 containing a trove of intelligence information about alleged activities by Iran that could be used in developing atomic arms.
"Given their possible application in a nuclear explosive device, and the fact that there are limited civilian and conventional military applications for such technology, Iran's development of such detonators and equipment is a matter of concern," the IAEA said in the 2011 document.
It said Iran had told the UN agency in 2008 that it had developed such detonators for civil and conventional military applications. "However, Iran has not explained to the agency its own need or application for such detonators," it said. [Guardian]
In addition, just this week Iran fired two test missiles.
Iran has successfully test-fired two missiles, including a long-range ballistic weapon, the official IRNA news agency reported on Monday.
The report by IRNA quoted President Hassan Rouhani as congratulating the military.
The "children of Iran successfully test-fired a new generation" of weapons, he said. [Yahoo News]
The US maritime boundaries have several meanings. The territorial sea is 12 nautical miles. The furthest zone is our exclusive economic zone which is 200 nautical miles. Even an Iranian missile could fly 12 miles and probably even 200 miles. But that's not the worst of it.
Iran has embraced the concept suicide terrorism as an important component of its military doctrine. They wouldn't have to fire a missile if they had a boat loaded with nuclear weapons, rather than just the "30 navy academy cadets on a training mission" as the Iranian government claims. If so then this mission could pose a much more serious threat than we have so far publicly admitted.
Former UN Ambassador John Bolton has at least suggested that this is a threat we may have to deal with in the future.
The mission shows the danger Iran would pose if it possessed nuclear weapons, says John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush and an arms negotiator during the Cold War.
"It shows they could put a weapon on a boat or freighter, and if (Iran) has ballistic missiles it could put it anywhere on the U.S. coast," Bolton said. "Down the road it could be a threat." [USA Today]
Down the road? How far down the road? Next month?
Seriously, if you see an armed Iranian approaching you what would you think he might be up to? They don't have to launch a weapon, they could just cruise close enough and blow up the ships by nuclear detonation and destroy our Eastern seaboard. You don't think they are apt to do something like this? What, you don't think they are devious enough to do something like this?
So what do we do? Where do we stop them? At 200 miles, 12 miles, closer? How do we stop them? If they are carrying nuclear weapons could we warn them to stay away and then if they don't heed our warning then just blow them up? Could we even do that without detonating the devices? I mean, boats can carry a lot more tonnage than a briefcase or your shoes and we don't even let returning vets on airplanes without making them take off their shoes. How close are you willing to let an Iranian ship carrying a potentially devastating cargo get to the United States?
I don't know about you, but I smell a rat.
Posted on February 13, 2014 at 10:51 AM in Idiocracy, Obama, Radical Islam, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (1)
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I was once asked by a news paper editor if I was a Republican, or a TEA partier. I told him that I prefer to avoid labels because they are over-broad. I am who I am, think what I want and try to have good reason for what I think always willing to be persuaded, if possible, where I am wrong.
As Emerson once said "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." I would emphasize the word "foolish" in that quote as I do not believe that there is anything inherently wrong in being consistently wise.
I know many people who are registered to vote under different banners who think very much alike on many issues. The Republicans certainly have no special claim to the "right to life" issue, the "right to bear arms" issue, the right to be free from intrusive government regulations issue or many other issues that are of real concern to people regardless of their party registration.
But listen to the haters and you would think that all Republicans are evil. Such thinking is over broad, over inclusive and born of a little mind.
Dea Riley, former candidate for Lieutenant Governor with the late Gatewood Galbraith recently posted this to her Facebook page:
Come on Dea. Do you really think that all persons in the Republican Party openly embrace exclusion, elitism and social categorization? That we are all radical fascists seeking to impose a specific ideology/theology on everyone, embracing intrusion into individual rights? That certainly doesn't define me, and neither does it define or describe many of the republicans I know. That is an insult.
But you are in good company. MSNBC which has turned out to be the great hater of all things republican made up out of thin air a claim that "conservatives" hate bi-racial families.
My God! First of all there was no "conservative" backlash last year which the facts prove and which caused MSNBC to amend it's tweet to remove the word "conservative". But that doesn't cure the problem.
The far left, the liberals in the democratic party and yes, even some of the TEA party liberals who are hiding out under the banner of "constitutional conservatives" hate republicans so much that they refuse to see that we are all individuals, with individual thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
As a republican I still believe in individual freedom, and that is because like our founders I believe that my life is a gift from God and that I am endowed by Him with inalienable rights.
As a republican I still believe that when a government fears the people there is hope for liberty, but when the people fear the government we have tyranny.
As a republican lawyer I defend the constitution every day, which on some days means that I defend the rights of people to do things, and say things with which I might personally disagree, but they have the right to do and say them.
And as a republican I have no compelling desire to see that we control people through a particular theology. I am a Christian and my faith teaches me that I am to love my neighbor, introduce them to God when the chance arises, but recognize that they operate with free will and their choices are their own. Do I want everybody to be a Baptist, or a Catholic, or a Methodist, or a Quaker or a Mormon or a Pentecostal? Of course not. As a Christian I would like everyone to know and accept Christ and I think the best way to do that is to live what I believe to the best of my ability and introduce them to each other.
But as an American, who believes that people should be free from government dictates as to whether and how they worship, I do oppose the goal of radical Islam to force the world to capitulate to their twisted worship of a pedophile prophet or be killed or enslaved.
And likewise I oppose any effort, by any person or group of persons to enslave people under any ideology, including the disgusting political game that addicts people to government hand outs, destroying their sense of self worth, de-incentivizing them to reach their full potential and thus enslaving them to the masters who they eventually think are the only ones who can provide for them.
The problem in this nation isn't republicans, it's the irrational, unsupportable, off the chart hatred OF republicans. And THAT my friends is not an accident.
Hating republicans is not the natural consequence of an honest study of history. It is not the result of deductive reasoning. Hating republicans is the cold and calculated strategy of those who wish to fundamentally transform America into the kind of nation our founders and thousands upon thousands of our best and brightest ever since have fought to prevent.
It is unfair to say that all democrats are far left liberals. It is unfair to say that all republicans are cracker-assed racists.
We are all Americans. We all have the right to want and pursue different paths to happiness. But hatred of others is destructive.
You may assign to me a desire to run things by my theology, but only on this one point. In my view, hatred has no place in America. I would prefer that we love each other, and all people, as we love ourselves.
If that was our guiding principle, I believe everything else would fall into place.
Posted on January 30, 2014 at 10:22 AM in Big Brother, Civil Liberty, Communism, Conservatism, Constitutional Law, Current affairs, Media, New Media, Free Speech, GOP, History, Idiocracy, Law, Liberalism, Libertarians, Liberty, Marcus Carey Perspective, Muslim Brotherhood, Obama, Patriotism, Racism, Radical Islam, Religion, Right To Bear Arms, sexism, Socialism, TEA Party, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (1)
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When anybody tells you that Islamists are really peace loving people, direct them to this report.
Or, remind them of this one.
Posted on January 27, 2014 at 07:49 AM in Radical Islam, Travel, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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POLITICO has a piece up on top of its website today that starts like this:
If this was a dud year in Washington, get ready for 2014 — the year to “go small.”
Lawmakers had already lost their appetite to “go big” this year, letting reforms of immigration, guns and the Tax Code slip away in the face of gridlock and dysfunction.
And now there’s a new problem. Lawmakers are reluctant to rely on the federal government to get anything done — a guilt-by-association consequence of Obamacare’s botched rollout. Republicans have called it an indictment of more than a website, but of Big Government itself.
While Democrats argue the problem is obstructionism — not ideology — the result will be the same: As Washington laments the end of a do-nothing year, lawmakers are fully prepared to do as little — or even less — in the new year.
“I think anything that has a significant expansion or role for the federal government is going to be problematic,” South Dakota Sen. John Thune, a top Republican message strategist, told POLITICO. “Because I just think there’s going to be such a cynicism and skepticism attached to any promises made with regard to the federal government’s role.”
Ron Paul, the Grand Poobah of the smaller is better ideology has been saying that the Republicans and Democrats are all the same, even saying on some occassions that they are all part of the same party.
Does this mean that his brand of governance which has usurped the TEA party movement has finally caught on? The answer is no.
The reaction that POLITICO is predicting for 2014 is more a response to the ineffectiveness of the Obama administration and a growing uneasiness with what many used to dismiss, but now fear, are his nefarious plans for America. In fact most of the anger and angst of the TEA party was born in reaction to Obama, has fed off of Obama's agenda and is still a reactionary movement rather than a pro-active one.
I saw this meme on Facebook sent out by a local TEA party group:
You have to ask yourself, what does this really say to people? Is it some sort of rallying cry to keep the flames of discontent burning hotter than ever?
The phrase "More Constitution" means what exactly? Lower taxes? Taxes are undesirable no doubt, but they are certainly constitutional. Does it mean more civil liberty? We certainly have suffered in this area lately and numerous cases are working their way through the court system which ultimately decides, as the arbiter of these debates, what is and what is not constitutional.
How does this meme fit into the reality of political life? What, no republican who wants more civil liberty and lower taxes can be trusted, and neither can any democrat? Then who? What other party is out there? Aren't most of the TEA party candidates running as republicans? And isn't it a fact that in places where they do, for the most part, they give democrats an added advantage of being able to run on their liberal agenda while republicans eat each other alive in primaries?
So just what does the observation of the POLITICO piece mean. Has the TEA party won the battle of ideas in Washington? Is there really some meaning to the concept of "More Constitution" that is controlling how elected officials act?
No, and no.
The fact is that even the proper role of government, as seen even by TEA party types, is considered dangerous territory. Standing up in favor of building bridges and fixing roads, and repairing a half century or older infrastructure lights a match under the "big spender" accusers who have found a way, much like the protesters of the sixties did, to get attention in front of cameras and try to steer the policy of the nation.
Spend no money, collect no taxes, go to Washington, do nothing, dismantle the federal government, weaken our military, and withdraw into a kind of isolation that fools people into believing that the world will just leave us alone and allow us to prosper so long as we don't intervene in anybody else's business.
Foolhardy, reckless, ignorant thinking like this makes America vulnerable to the evil forces at work in the world. If the worst happens it will be on the shoulders of those who failed to take charge in difficult times. The blame will be squarely upon the heads of those who would give Israel over to the Palestinians, chemical weapons to Assad, control of Afghanistan to the drug cartels, who would remove border security and issue terms of engagement to our military that told them to stand up and take the first shot before firing back.
War is, as the saying goes, hell. And hell is at our doorstep. The last thing we need is a nation of bong hugging gamers driving the ship of state.
If the TEA party really wishes for an America that used to be, maybe they ought to be asking things like, where are the real men, the John Wayne's of our time, instead of asking that old time policy be implement by a bunch of impotent 'fraidy cats.
Think about it. America was strong, and stood up for itself in the days the Ron Paul folks wish they could return us to. To get there might take a much tougher, rougher approach than the rally attending, flag-shirt wearing, malcontents and protesters can deliver on their own.
If a do nothing Congress is the result of a TEA party victory, then I think Merle might have asked the right question a long time ago: Are the good times really over for good?
Posted on December 30, 2013 at 09:22 AM in 2016 Presidential Race, Alison/Mitch race, Bevin/Mitch Race, Civil Liberty, Communism, Conservatism, Constitutional Law, Gridlock, Idiocracy, immigration, Libertarians, Liberty, McConnell/Bevin, Mitch McConnell, Muslim Brotherhood, NRA, Patriotism, Radical Islam, Rand Paul, Right To Bear Arms, Right To Life, Ron Paul, Shall Not Be Infringed, Socialism, TEA Party, Ted Cruz, Thomas Massie, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Gateway Pundit has posted a photo of a flyer for a bookfair featuring terrorist Bill Ayers. The flyer says that Ayers has confessed to writing Obama's book "Dreams From My Father".
A recent Baltimore book store—Red Emma’s— announced an appearance event byBill Ayers promoting his recent book “Public Enemy,” the Red Emma’s book store post states the following:
”Ayers reveals how he has navigated the challenges and triumphs of this public life with steadfastness and a dash of good humor — from the red carpet at the Oscars, to prison vigils and airports (where he is often detained and where he finally “confesses” that he did write Dreams from My Father)”
Capture image of the event posting:
The search for the truth continues.
Posted on November 21, 2013 at 08:56 AM in Idiocracy, Obama, Socialism, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino – “It’s to the point where these (Obama) scandals in and of themselves would be huge, backbreaking scandals are just lost in the ‘scandal fog’ of this administration.” He added: “It’s worse than people know; I’m not trying to scare you either.” []
Posted on November 11, 2013 at 08:44 AM in Benghazi, Big Brother, Civil Liberty, Current affairs, Media, New Media, Federal Reserve, Idiocracy, IRS, Liberty, Obama, Obamacare, Patriotism, Radical Islam, Right To Bear Arms, Socialism, United Nations, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Prior to the ouster of Hosni Mubarak the Muslim Brotherhood had been outlawed in Egypt for 85 years. After Mubarak was removed the Brotherhood re-formed as a political party and took control of the nation. Egypt has once again outlawed it. Why?
Here's a little three minute video of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood. This might help explain it.
Posted on September 23, 2013 at 08:15 AM in Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Islam, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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The Muslim Brotherhood has vowed to infiltrate the United States Government and to destroy us from within. They are the parent organization of Hamas. They are the primary central organization of the Islamic Jihad, the goal of which is global domination which spawned Al Qaida.
They have now infiltrated the Pentagon, the White House and according to recent reports, had very significant influence over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still being talked about as the next, likely to be coronated, president of the United States.
The goal of these radical Islamists is to convert the entire world to their version of a theocracy. If any refuse to convert, then they must be killed. In fact, the movement is all about killing Christians. The entire world is at risk of harm from this growing cancer.
I don't think I've ever watched an entire zombie movie in over 40 years, but the other night, at the request of a guest in our home, I watched World War Z. I doubt that the makers of that movie had any intention of using zombies as metaphors for Radical Islam, but the imagery struck me as apt.
The world is being over run with murderous zealots who convert entire nations to their way of "life". The imagery of the zombies over running Israel and defeating armies by infecting soldiers who then turn on their fellow countrymen was not lost on me.
We are indeed at war. War has been declared upon us. Watch the movie and then decide whether there is any chance that the world can survive if a single zombie is left alive outside of captivity.
Oh, no, I am not suggesting mass murder or mass imprisonment, but rather mass containment without access to the rest of the world, without access to nuclear or chemical weapons. Containment without travel rights, without government jobs within the United States, without the same rights we give to those who are not our enemies.
There is little time to escape their murderous rampages. These zombies move very fast. We must move faster.
Posted on September 19, 2013 at 08:44 AM in Radical Islam, War on Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (0)
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