I chose to listen to the debate on the radio first and watch the replay after hearing the spin. You might be surprised how hearing but not seeing the debate affected the listeners perception.
Biden sounded more confident, more in command and frustrated by what the listener would have concluded was a weak attempt by Ryan to show loyalty to Romney despite his changing narrative on many issues. In my opinion, Ryan had a better grasp of the facts but Biden blew him off as lacking any practical experience which would justify his criticism of Obama's handling of various issues during his first term. W.C. Field's famous line "Go away son, you bother me" came to mind.
But Biden's defense of Obama got out of hand. His zeal as usual sent him spinning off into his own world where the consequences of what he was saying seemed to completely escape him.
It is as if this buffoon and his boss just can't pull their big boy pants on and govern without blaming everybody else for anything that doesn't work out as they dreamed it would. He blamed his own Intelligence services for mis-informing them about Benghazi. He blamed the Joint Chiefs for decisions which have cost lives in Iraq. He blamed President Bush for the last four years of failed economic decisions made by the Obama administration. And he blamed Ryan for showing up at a debate armed with facts rather than coming prepared to play politics.
Like it or not, it is my humble opinion that Biden fired up his base last night by being smug, self-righteous and condescending. He assumed the haughty attitude of John Kerry, the cocky "smart-ass" attitude of Obama and the "you dumb, white hick" attitude universal among the far left which has taken over control of what used to be a solidly patriotic (though misguided) democratic party.
When I later watched the split screen debate my opinion changed little except that I thought Ryan looked timid. No, his words were not timid but don't forget that I have spent over 30 years studying body language, what people are saying with their eyes and judging faces for signs of deception and worry. Ryan showed a smidgin of timidity, as if he was out gunned in the format.
In my opinion Biden did what he was supposed to do, Ryan held his own and I score it a draw except that Romney/Ryan is the team of challengers and in a championship fight the challenger has to win decisively because the holder of the crown gets to keep it unless it is forcibly taken away. Ryan didn't take the crown.
Now, add the spin. Yes Biden was rude. So what? His base is rude and would have expected no less. What was the complaint about Obama's performance against Romney? That he didn't go after him hard enough. To the left we conservatives are dumbass dolts who need to be put in our place. They have no desire to do that with facts but rather by being dismissive and treating us as if we are too stupid to grasp the complexities of their world view. Biden delivered on that score and for that reason scored a tie.
Did he make a bunch of gaffes? Of course he did, but it's Biden and since when has that ever hurt him?
Did Ryan have a perfect night? No. The story of Ryan asking for stimulus money for his state coming on the heels of his complaint about Obama borrowing from China to pay for the stimulus made him look like just the kind of hypocrite that the TEA party types have come to hate. That hurt his ticket among the conservatives who are breaking ranks these days under the stoned out misapprehension that letting Obama win is somehow a victory for their revolution.
But in the final analysis this debate won't make any difference in the outcome of the election any more than the Reds loss in the divisional playoffs makes in the pennant race. The big game is coming still coming up. And what everybody needs to remember is this one thing: We only have two choices, " Obama" or" Not Obama".
Get it?