As Mitt Romney prepared to sit at the same table as Barack Obama and debate foreign policy last night he had to know that this would be his most difficult debate yet at the same time know that it was a meeting which would be filled with rich opportunities. As it turned out Mitt took the safe road and hit pay dirt.
With the Middle East and Northern Africa in such turmoil, with the recent attack on our consulate in Libya, the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Obama's very public snubs of our ally Israel all in the forefront of the news, Romney had a shot at slamming Obama's foreign policy failures in great detail. Instead he chose to speak more broadly about what America's role should be and how we get back what we have lost over the past four years.
Obama on the other hand was seen on the split screen giving Romney an evil stare. His body language was as if he was coiled and ready to jump over and hit Romney. In other words, Obama came expecting a real fight. When that didn't materialize as he had expected, Obama showed himself to be the same kind of disrespectful, mean spirited, sound bite laden, shallow campaigner that Biden did in his debate.
Obama's attempts to provoke Romney included personal attacks rather than policy debates. And despite the number of "yo momma" jabs Obama threw at Romney, Mitt took the high road and rarely took issue with a sitting president on current foreign policy decisions, a criticism lobbed at him repeatedly in the aftermath of Benghazi.
With the advantage of a bit of election fatigue, a football game gearing up on another channel and the snooze inspiring energy of Bob Schieffer orchestrating the affair, what anybody who might have been watching with an open mind came away with was that the president is very thin skinned, shallow and spiteful while Mitt Romney is confident, knows what he is talking about and has a plan for America to regain its place as the leader of the free world. And that plan, when it comes to national security, is based in large part on the USA not continuing our economic decline.
Romney will continue gaining on Obama in the polls right up until election day. The big question remaining is whether Romney will win in the key counties in the key states so that he secures enought electoral college votes. Last night he helped himself on that count.