John Kerry couldn't be expected to do anything other than act as a traitor to our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel now could he? I mean, during the Viet Nam war he was a traitor to his own country, remember?
Now he is prepared to force a deal between the terrorist leaders of Palestine and the leaders of Israel that goes something like this:
US Secretary of State John Kerry will offer Israeli and Palestinian negotiators a political trade-off: Israeli recognition of the 1967 lines as a basis for the future Palestinian state, in return for Palestinian recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people, Palestinian sources told the Saudi daily Al-Watan on Sunday. [The Times Of Israel]
Now let's see, what would this mean that Israel give up? Half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the tomb of Jesus Christ.
And just who is it that he will propose handing these things over to?
Hamas, the dominant Islamist movement in Palestine, deserves credit for this transformation of Palestinian society. It is a potent and dangerous threat to the very fabric of Palestinian society, and ultimately Israeli society as well. But Islamism cannot be seen as an isolated movement treatable with a local cure when, in fact, it is part of a global movement bent on uprooting existing regimes in the Middle East and replacing them with Islamist regimes. Born as the Palestinian offspring of the international Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas began as the Brotherhood’s vehicle to combat Israeli occupation in the outbreak of the intifadah. But it swiftly expanded, aspiring to drive the Jews out of all parts of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and replace the Zionist state with a Muslim theocracy...Each of these institutions became a vehicle for Hamas ideology indoctrination—to oppose secularism, to fight the cultural onslaught of the West, and above all, to wage military jihad against the enemies of Allah. It is these institutions that breed the violence and engineer public consent for terrorism within Palestinian society. [investigative project]
Oh and just in case you forgot who John Kerry used to be before his plastic surgery and time in relative obscurity after losing his race for the White House, here's a reminder.