If you needed any more evidence that the left is trying to ratchet up racial tensions in the country in order to inspire more hatred toward the "white republicans" look no further. Read this article by guest columnist David Drumm, published at Jonathan Turley's site.
Although Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) does not believe “there is any particular evidence of polls barring African Americans from voting,” there is plenty of evidence that States are making it more difficult for African Americans to vote. Paul is using a strawman argument to recast the voting issue to one in which African Americans are prohibited from voting. Preventing African Americans from voting is the intended result of Republican efforts in numerous states. Using analysis of voting habits, Republicans have passed laws that intentionally create voting difficulties for groups that traditionally vote Democratic. Jim Crow has been dressed up a little, to become James Crow, Esq., but statistically speaking, the results are the same. (emphasis added)
Is he serious? What, is there some secret meeting going on behind closed doors with men in white hoods plotting against African Americans? And this is being accomplished by enacting laws through the public legislative process?
Here's where it gets really silly. The so-called "Jim Crow, Esq." laws he is talking about include measures designed to prevent voter fraud, not prevent legitimate voters from voting. He cites North Carolina as one of the worst culprits.
In North Carolina, voter suppression has been taken to new levels. Among the new measures are:
- The end of pre-registration for 16 & 17 year olds
- A ban on paid voter registration drives
- Elimination of same day voter registration
- A provision allowing voters to be challenged by any registered voter of the county in which they vote rather than just their precinct
- A week sliced off Early Voting
- Elimination of straight party ticket voting
- Authorization of vigilante poll observers, lots of them, with expanded range of interference
- An expansion of the scope of who may examine registration records and challenge voters
- A repeal of out-of-precinct voting
- A repeal of the current mandate for high-school registration drives
- Elimination of flexibility in opening early voting sites at different hours within a county
If Republicans can’t win by getting more votes than Democrats, they’ll lessen the number of Democratic voters and achieve an identical result.
What a horrible accusation to level. The only goal of such provocative and misguided rhetoric must be to inspire hatred toward republicans. This guy is a disgrace.