The son of an 85 year old nursing home resident has filed suit after discovering a photo of his mother in the "rec room" stuffing a dollar bill into the waistband of a male stripper's briefs.
[My mother] has lived 85 years as a traditional Baptist, hard-working, lady . . . And now she has been defiled,” [the son] said.
[His] family also asked why his mother was holding dollar bills in her hand when her cash was supposed to be kept under lock and key in a commissary account — but was again blown off, the [lawsuit says].
The “vile” incident was done “all for the perverse pleasure and enjoyment of the Defendant’s staff,” the suit claims.
[The family's] attorneys argue she “lacks the mental and physical capacity” to protect herself. [NYPost]
In other news, Bill Clinton was in Texas last night to watch the UK and UConn cheerleaders. He was accompanied by George W. Bush who was there to watch the basketball game.