Thomas Massie who continues to push a Ron Paul type unorthodox agenda in Congress has now been implicated in a plot against House leadership. According to a report in the National Journal, a small band of House members is "scheming to infiltrate the GOP leadership next year".
While intra-House battles are usually not made so public this one is expected to erupt into a breakdown of the conservative coalition which the GOP represents as a bulwark against liberal policies.
The masterminds of this mutiny are trying to stay in the shadows for as long as possible to avoid putting a target on their backs. But one Republican said the "nucleus"of the rebellion can be found inside the House Liberty Caucus, of which he and his comrades are members. This is not surprising, considering that some of the key players in that group—Justin Amash of Michigan, Raul Labrador of Idaho, and Thomas Massie of Kentucky—were among the 12 Republicans who refused to back Boehner's reelection in January 2013.
Boehner isn't the only target. The conservatives find fault with the entire leadership team. [National Journal]
Republicans need to run a primary opponent against Massie. The kid is nuttier than a burlap sack full of hamster scrotums, anyway, with his "free the milk" nonsense.
Posted by: Jay Teigh | April 11, 2014 at 03:18 PM
Massie is focused on some national ideological agenda. He is doing nothing to represent the people of his district. His job is to go to Washington and be the voice and the activist pursuing the things his voting constiuents want to see done.
How many of them care about raw milk, hemp or libertarian ideas like decriminalizing heroin?
Massie is there as part of a national movement to transform the nation into a liberal/libertarian way of life. He is willing to let the Russians, the Chinese and the Radical Islamist gain more ground, more wealth and more power world wide and sees no threat in that at all.
The guy is an off the grid, doomsday prepper with a head full of conspiracy theories and goofy ideas.
How you people let him back in office is beyond me.
Posted by: Boehner Fan In Cincy | April 11, 2014 at 09:54 AM