Rational thought cannot explain what is going on in the world of politics today. It's as if the American people have been dosed with seconal and mentally kidnapped.
The liberals are engaged in a perpetual rant that the republicans have waged a war on women. This ridiculous claim is grounded primarily in the lie that only republicans oppose abortion. Lots of people oppose abortion including many, many democrats. But not all democrats.
Al Gore, one time democratic presidential nominee, is now calling for "fertility management", specifically in Africa, to control global warming. Do you not know what he is saying? This is right out of the Margaret Sanger eugenics playbook. It's about forced population control, particularly among the dark skinned people of the world. Snap out of it! Remember what she said:
"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
Pro choice my ass. Isn't having a child a choice? Isn't having as many children as you want a choice? What are you people who support these loons thinking?
They are the ones who have an evil plan for the world. They are the ones with a racist plot to limit the number of dark skinned people in Africa through "fertility management", and for what? For their phony chicken-little screech about global warming? It is now and always has been a front for controlling people. How is it that my friends in the democratic party can't see this?
Is it because you have been mesmerized into thinking that George Bush was the great evil of our lifetime? For God's sake wake up!
You allowed yourselves to be cursed with tunnel vision and believed that "The Bush Doctrine" was a one dimensional description of a war monger president who claimed the right to launch "pre-emptive strikes" even in nations that were no direct threat to the United States. Forget for a minute that "The Bush Doctrine" was not the over simplistic concept that Charlie Gibson was high-fived about when he sneered at Sarah Palin. Stop to look at how much farther than even what you THOUGHT George W. Bush was planning your own president is going in his slobbering lust for power:
In a video posted Wednesday at the Right Scoop, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Senators the administration would seek UN or NATO approval for the deployment of U.S. forces overseas while deciding whether or not it would seek approval from Congress.
The statement shocked Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who asked Panetta if he could "initiate a no-fly zone in Syria" without Congressional approval.
"Again, our goal would be to seek international permission and we would ...come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress - I think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here," Panetta said.
"Obama is bypassing Congress every chance he can to do whatever he wants. He did it in Libya and then never complied with the War Powers Act, and I’d expect he’d do that again. He is a totalitarian, it’s just that simple," notes the Right Scoop.[Examiner]
And the world of the crazy left in the media centers went all ape-ish over comments by Mike Huckabee in a speech to the Republican National Committee. Huckabee said that "no co-pay" birth control is an affront to women suggesting to them that they can't get by "without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government."
But Al Gore can call for the imposition of "fertility management" on an entire continent of Africans and the world just sits there blinking and nodding and drooling a little bit?
Have you people lost your ever loving freaked out minds?
Just go on, watch another reality TV show, buy what they are selling you, run up your credit cards, pretend that political debate and the future of our country are matters too far beyond your control to be bothered with, hope and pray that your unemployment gets extended, take advantage of every government benefit that comes your way and lay down on your face with your hands behind your head whenever you are told to do so. It's all going to be okay. Here's your medicine.
Now get off my lawn.