Time and time again those who throw in with the anti-gun crowd go down in defeat. Legislators in Colorado who voted against gun rights were re-called. And the mayor of Chambersburg Pennsylvania was defeated after he joined Mayor Bloombergs gun grabbing group.
According to Salena Zito on RealClearPolitics.com, the anti-gun influence of Bloomberg made Chambersburg hunters and gun owners feel like they were under attack. And the combination of Bloomberg and "Washington [trying to regulate] gun ownership with more background checks" caused Chambersburg residents "to react in the only respectful way they know: [by voting] out of office those who are infringing on their way of life."
Mayor-elect Darren Brown (R) says that once he is sworn into office in January 2014, "the very, very first thing [he'd] like to do is get Chambersburg off the [MAIG] list." [Breitbart]
Alison Lundergan Grimes can no longer hide from the press, refuse to answer questions, pose in a tank top holding a gun and think that people will not see her campaign being funded by gun grabbers in Washington and elsewhere.
When you lock elbows with the Obama crowd your long name just spells defeat.
It is disheartening to me that you think linking the agenda of campaign contributors to the candidate is a sure fire way to victory.
This is not going to work and if effort is spent on this, defeat is a certainty.
This type of tactic only allows those that will hold their nose and vote Mitch to hold their nose less tight.
Good luck with that.
There is only a single path to victory this go around. Once the campaign has figure it out, I hope it ain't too late.
God Bless.
Posted by: Mr. Scott Ryan | November 19, 2013 at 11:59 AM