Yesterday I blogged that Alison Lundergan Grimes had been endorsed by Michelle Obama as the kind of Senate candidate that deserved a “big fat check” because Grimes would help pass Barack Obama’s gun control plans and defend Obamacare along with advancing the rest of his agenda.
A reporter who was at the event (which was primarily for women) revealed this comment heard in the hallway.
In introductory remarks (which I overheard in the lobby, where I was held as the pool reporter for the event), Colorado senator and DSCC chair Michael Bennet said looking back at Democratic gains over the last few cycles, it was "very clear that the way we won them was by running women." [Capital New York]
So the DSCC has decided that women can do better running against men as they continue their efforts to peg the GOP as waging war on women. Isn’t that a little like the tactic of using human shields when firing mortars?
So what happened as soon as Alison was caught red handed signing up to be a willing recruit in Obama’s army, being identified as an important part of Obama’s plans, cozying up to the most unpopular, progressive, gun grabbing, abortion supporting, economy crashing, job destroying president of the modern era? Here’s what happened.
The liberals ran to their media buddies at places like The Huffington Post, feigning outrage over my blog post in which I criticized Alison’s newly revealed devotion to Obama by suggesting that perhaps she was now the new “Obama Girl”.
Listen to what I said again. Instead of pressing Grimes to explain or deny her apparent devoted loyalty to the Obama agenda the liberal media, driven by the DSCC no doubt, ran interference for her. When I got home last night I discovered that my blog post was being linked all over the Internet with fake outrage that I would dare call her a “Girl”. I didn’t call her a “girl” I likened her to the “Obama Girl”.
Oh, before I forget my manners, thank you Politico, thank you Huffington Post, thank you ABC, thank you Daily Mail, and all of you shrill and hysterical liberals on Twitter and Facebook for driving so much traffic to my blog. I doubt that Michelle Obama’s identification of Grimes as one of Obama’s likely anti-gun votes would have been spread as far and wide as it turned out to be if it wasn’t for you.
And while I’m at it, let me also say a word about the republican response to the liberal screech. Really? You let the same people who photoshopped Sarah Palin without mercy, who rally in support of the murder by abortion of millions of baby girls, who supported Weiner and Spitzer and Slick Willy despite their sexploits, who never once called for Martin Bashir to apologize for saying someone should ‘defecate’ in Sarah Palin's mouth and who pretend to care about women only when it is politically advantageous, back you down? Really? I’m disappointed. No wonder the party is always on its heels.
Why wasn’t there a relentless push back demanding that Grimes answer the question, “do you or do you not support Obama and his agenda”. Why wasn’t there a relentless call for her to return any money she got at the feet of the First Lady who said those checks would help pass gun control? Did she take money under false pretenses? If so, shouldn't she return it? And if she keeps the money yet continues to say she’s not onboard with Obama’s gun control policy then isn't it obvious that she can’t be trusted any more than Obama can?
You mean to tell me, GOP, that you’re going to let the liberal media set the tone, drive the story and run interference for Grimes’ and her handshake deals at an Obama-fest without making it the top story of the season?
Haven’t you let Alison stay silent long enough while the echo chamber of her liberal friends beats you to death in the press?
And let’s get one other thing straight. What does “Obama Girl” mean anyway? It has come to be a short hand description of a grown woman who has a crush on Obama. An “Obama Girl” is a grown woman who ignores the facts, and supports Obama because, well, he’s Obama. It’s not the sexist use of the word “girl” standing alone, it’s the use of a modern description of an “Obama Girl”, an Obama groupie, you know, like the ones who faint and go all GaGa at his events, or smile and politely accept money from people who have been told she is going to be another Obama vote in the Senate.
So before Alison and her army of tweeters pass out from gasping and screeching in phony agony, let me point out one other thing. My little blog description was taken big time by your over-reaction and fake outrage. And do you know what that accomplished?
I can assure you that while your made up “war on women” claim might play well in some other parts of the country, Alison Lundergan Grimes being revealed as Obama’s new groupie is the story which voters in Kentucky care about far more than your phony liberal claims.
I made my point, the photo I posted was funny, and thanks to you nit wits who spread it far and wide (as I knew you would as soon as I took it down) you have only yourselves to blame for making her the culprit in the spot light that she should be and letting the world see the funny photo that you spread around.
Now, is there a republican out there with the gumption to push back, or are you going to continue to let the media con you into surrendering another big issue? I mean, you let claims of “racism” shut you down every time you criticized Obama.
Can’t you see that the dems have just switched to a new fake outrage, the claim that hitting “women” hard in the political arena is the “new taboo”?
Oh, and in case you hadn’t noticed, all of the effort to make women “off limits” is just in time for “Hillary-2016”.
Geez, where's the conservative media to push back against this tripe paste when you need it?
This same blog drew attention to sexism against Palin ...
Reminder: Obama's sexist comments didn't start with Governor Palin
According to HotAir, we should all remember how Barack Obama turned the thinness of his skin into a hypersensitive reaction to any criticism of him as being a "coded" comment about the color of his skin, AND, we should all remember how he has himself used "coded" messages to inject "sexism" into the campaign.
According to HotAir his prejudice didn't just begin with Governor Palin.
This blog still has not apologized for the obvious use of "coded messages to inject sexism into the campaign" against Grimes.
Instead, it feints that it did not actually call Grimes a "girl" nor intend any sexism and was only calling attention to support from Obama.
Posted by: NHThinker1 | November 20, 2013 at 09:53 AM