With the shutdown behind us reporters and commentators will soon be looking for something else to get them the kind of attention that attracts advertisers so what will be next in the news cycle?
Here are a few predictions.
- A continuing analysis of how badly the shutdown and low approval numbers have hurt the GOP chances for the upcoming mid term elections.
- There will be a hard scramble underway for Ted Cruz and company to rebound from their embarrassing moment so look for even sharper language from the TEA party crowd which the media will eat up.
- Mitch McConnell will be working all of his back channels to push stories about how successful he is at taking on the tough fights. Look for him to appeal to moderate democrats in an effort to peel away votes from Grimes.
- Of course we are only a couple weeks away from the doom and gloom Christmas spending predictions.
- Despite tons of evidence how much of a failure Obamacare is, it will be a slow trickle of news about glitches and stuttering start ups until about February when the disaster will be too big for the media to ignore.
- Look for the rhetoric from potential Kentucky governor candidates to pick up before Christmas and look for a few surprise challenges to Kentucky Congressional seats in a few unexpected primaries.
- Look for Damon Thayer to start getting attention as a possible candidate for state wide office as he sends up a trial balloon.
- Look for an infidelity scandal to rock at least one Frankfort office that has so far remained below radar.
- Oh, and look for some new media sources to arrive and challenge the old guard MSM.