The Muslim Brotherhood has vowed to infiltrate the United States Government and to destroy us from within. They are the parent organization of Hamas. They are the primary central organization of the Islamic Jihad, the goal of which is global domination which spawned Al Qaida.
They have now infiltrated the Pentagon, the White House and according to recent reports, had very significant influence over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still being talked about as the next, likely to be coronated, president of the United States.
The goal of these radical Islamists is to convert the entire world to their version of a theocracy. If any refuse to convert, then they must be killed. In fact, the movement is all about killing Christians. The entire world is at risk of harm from this growing cancer.
I don't think I've ever watched an entire zombie movie in over 40 years, but the other night, at the request of a guest in our home, I watched World War Z. I doubt that the makers of that movie had any intention of using zombies as metaphors for Radical Islam, but the imagery struck me as apt.
The world is being over run with murderous zealots who convert entire nations to their way of "life". The imagery of the zombies over running Israel and defeating armies by infecting soldiers who then turn on their fellow countrymen was not lost on me.
We are indeed at war. War has been declared upon us. Watch the movie and then decide whether there is any chance that the world can survive if a single zombie is left alive outside of captivity.
Oh, no, I am not suggesting mass murder or mass imprisonment, but rather mass containment without access to the rest of the world, without access to nuclear or chemical weapons. Containment without travel rights, without government jobs within the United States, without the same rights we give to those who are not our enemies.
There is little time to escape their murderous rampages. These zombies move very fast. We must move faster.