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September 24, 2013


Marcus, I really enjoy and respect your commentary. Can you please expound on your opinion of what you mean by your last statement? In other words, I know the mess we are in cannot be solved overnight. The existing parties are corrupt/ divided, but how can we create trust in future candidates? They just do not do what they preach? Hope what I asked is understandable?

Could you be any more condescending?

Yes, if you want their votes then you have to cow tow. Is this unique to this crowd or movement?

Have you read Eric Hoffer?

If this editorial was meant to inspire the status quo conservatives to listen and sell and win over, you missed your mark because of your tone.

If I was a status quo candidate I would rather go after conservative Democrats than the crazies that you described above.

Try again please.

God Bless.

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