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July 30, 2013


It is interesting as to who you think is pulling the strings on this. The fact that you think the Dem Party is dictating a vote when Senator Paul can merely withdrawl the proposal.

It is obvious that if Paul allows this to play out, then he is testing McConnell's resolve and commitments that McConnell has made to Paul in exchange for his near future, very vocal endorsement of Mitch in the upcoming elections.

My guess is that Paul (and the majority party will be all to eager to assist) is going to get a vote on a number of proposals on which Paul thinks McConnell is on the wrong side in order to extract a very public refersal of McConnells previous positions on issues that are going to be important to Paul in 2016.

After all, Paul can't be seen enthusiastically endorsing a status quo candidate without some give and take.

Isn't that how the game is suppose to be played?

God Bless.

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