The Vatican has confirmed that a priest defending a group of nuns was attacked and beheaded by Syrian rebels. A very graphic video of the atrocity has made its way to YouTube.
As we reported earlier, the Obama administration failed to act swiftly enough to protect innocent citizens from the brutality of the Assad regime and instead waited until the Al Qaeda led rebels began fighting a real war inside Syria. Now our government is in bed with those Al Qaeda groups, supplying them arms.
As we reported last week, one of those rebel leaders committed cannabalism by eating a man he'd just killed. Russian President Putin even questioned whether the USA really wanted to throw in with that kind of person.
Now this beheading tells us quite clearly that our delay in taking action has had horrible consequences.
Of course there will be many who say "It's not our problem and our national interests are not at stake so we should not intervene in any way."
How about this for national interests. We know that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction at one time. We suspect those weapons were secreted out of Iraq just before our invasion and made their way to Syria.
Do we really want Al Qaeda to get them? Or to have Assad keep using them? Or to let them remain in the hands of radical Islamist like the Muslim Brotherhood?
Just asking.
This war will mentally and psychically damage a whole generation of Syrian children. I hope all the people using this conflict to advance a political agenda burn in hell...
Posted by: John Marson | August 06, 2013 at 03:39 AM
"As we reported last week"
We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket or did this come straight off the Monday 6:00am fax?
"We know that Saddam Hussein had weapons"
Again with the we? And ... I thought this was debunked by none other than Secretary of State Powell. There never was any WMD. After we invade Syria are these weapons going to migrate to the next middle eastern country that we wish to invade?
So our lack of action is partially to blame for the beheading? Does that mean you do believe the the theory of blowback?
Fear mongering, demagoguery, propaganda, and outright lies.
Are "we" already in campaign mode? Because if this is going to be the MO your old/new party affiliation is in big trouble.
People see this for what it is now. The ethernet is a wonderful thing.
God Bless
[Marc's Reply: Haha ha. Mouse in pocket. Haven't heard that one in a while. And Colin Powell is not a reliable source in my book. Blowback describes when we do something that makes our enemies angry. As far as I can tell the Obama folks are arming the guys who are cutting off heads. Don't think Blowback covers this. Thanks for the comment.]
Posted by: Mr. Scott Ryan | July 01, 2013 at 03:20 PM