Free speech is not what it used to be. Now you can't be critical of the people who rape kids, order "honor" killings, think sex with boys is okay, put bombs on kids and kill thousands of people and are determined to take over the world and impose at the point of a knife, their world view on everybody else.
Oh, and did I mention, we have a president and now a United States Attorney who want to protect the terrorists from "speech" which is against them?
A U.S. attorney in Tennessee is reportedly suggesting that anti-Islam postings on social media could actually be considered civil rights violations.
Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, told the Tullahoma News that inflammatory or hateful posts could potentially run afoul of the law. He will speak next week alongside the head of the FBI’s Knoxville office at a meeting sponsored by a local American Muslim advisory group.
He told the newspaper that Internet postings that violate civil rights fall under federal jurisdiction.
“That’s what everybody needs to understand,” he said. [The Blaze]
Janis might have been right. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.