This from News 4 in Florida:
A bipartisan gun bill has made its way to the governor’s desk. If signed into law, it will prevent tens of thousands of Floridians from buying firearms, but mental health workers worry the bill will backfire.
The legislation requires people who volunteer for mental health treatment to give up their gun rights. Mental health professionals want Gov. Rick Scott to veto the legislation.
"We believe in a sense the federal standard is the sound standard, and that is, there needs to be an adjudication,” said John Bryant, of Florida Council for Community Mental Health.
Medical officials say if the governor signs the bill into law, there may be more than 100,000 additional people denied the right to buy a gun. There are already 90,000 Floridians denied that right.
As a veteran friend of mine reported recently, a visit to the doctor for his annual check up included questions like "do you ever get angry" and "do you ever feel sad". The doctor also asked if he had firearms in his house.
Under Obamacare the now heavily armed IRS will be playing a role you might not fully appreciate at the moment and this is why the Florida bill is the first step down a very slippery slope.
Your Second Amendment rights may soon be subject to the veto of a doctor you don't choose, whose records are shared with the government and then reviewed by an agency bureaucrat who might just be a "rogue agent" in Cincinnati that singles out patriots and TEA party folks for special treatment.
Oh, and if you are thinking "The hell with them, whether I have a gun or not is none of their damned business" don't forget, it can be very dangerous to be less than honest with a federal agent. Just ask Scooter Libby.
And if you think you can just remain silent and not say anything, well, that might very well be used against you and land your butt in jail.
Welcome to Hope And Change.
We believe in a sense the federal standard is the sound standard, and that is, there needs to be an adjudication,” said John Bryant, of Florida Council for Community Mental Health.
Posted by: colothin cleanse | July 05, 2013 at 03:58 PM