Muslim thugs staredt a fight then sucker punched a blond lady in the face at a peaceful English Defence League demonstration in Britain. Of course radical Muslims believe that women should not work outside the home which is why one Saudi cleric has called for men to sexually molest female cashiers at large grocery stores.
Here's the video of the man punching the woman.
Oh, and by the way, Tyson Food in Shelbyville, Tennessee has eliminated Labor Day as a paid holiday in favor of the last day of Ramadan because they have 700 Muslim employees. Tennessee is the newest Hot-Bed for Muslim immigration. According to the 2010 Government Census more Muslims are flocking to Tennessee than any other state in the union.
Religion of peace? Ha.
I posted a comment on a popular news website about the dangers of fasting in extreme heat on a certain Muslim holiday. I am a liberal and consider myself open to all religious freedom. The amount of hateful name calling emails I tecieved was unbelievable. In fact I had to change my email address because of one response.
Posted by: dale | July 13, 2013 at 08:47 PM
I can't believe the "Bobbies" have not pulled their wood shampoo applicators before they ever got within 10 feet of this trash. You just want to see them wade into the fracas swinging for all they are worth.
Posted by: george foltz | June 01, 2013 at 02:16 AM