It can happen anywhere, including the United States: the bank in Cyprus will seize deposits as part of a bailout deal negotiated with other EU financiers and a British party leader is urging depositors to get their money out of Spanish banks. While you go happily on, the coming crash in the United States is brewing.
I've done several radio shows about this, written numerous blog posts and tried to warn you for many years that our system of "fiat money" is tied to world events and far more fragile than you are being told.
Now it appears that China will soon over take the United States as the world's biggest economy by 2016. They have also recently joined forces with the Russians in what some are calling a great setback if not utter disaster for our country.
And every day the Federal Reserve is creating the illusion of liquidity with its monetary policy. That illusion is created through the borrowing system. When people say our economy is based entirely upon debt, they are right. There really is no money, or anything of tangible value represented by money. Our financial system is just an agreement between banks to honor each others debt.
When the day comes that the banks no longer honor that debt, we will have a crash, dollars will be virtually worthless and things will go very bad, very quickly.
What should you do? First educate yourself about what is on the horizon. Each person's preparation will differ depending upon your personal circumstances, but one thing is clear. We are far from being out of this mess.