Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that Roger Simon, chief political columnist at POLITICO has waged a war on women, but he certainly doesn't want them to be able to wage war on criminals who might come to harm them or their children. Simon thinks that a woman's best defense is her cell phone.
I learned a lot about biology this week by watching a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that was titled: “What Should America Do About Gun Violence?”
I am not sure biology was supposed to be the point, but an odd witness, who is not an expert on gun violence, let it rear its ugly head.
Gayle Trotter is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a self-described conservative group that believes in “limited government, personal liberty and free markets.”
Trotter also believes in guns and ammo. Lots of ammo.
She testified that women must be able to arm themselves with military-style, semi-automatic rifles that contain large ammo magazines because women are smaller than men and need an equalizer.
“You are a large man, tall man, a tall man,” Trotter said to one senator who questioned the need for large ammo magazines. “You are not a young mother who has a young child with her. You cannot understand.
“You are not a woman stuck in her house, not able to defend her children, not able to leave her child, not able to go seek safety on the phone with 911.”
This might be understandable if Trotter lived in Syria and needed to defend her family on a daily basis. But she lives in the United States. There is certainly violent crime in the United States, but little of it comes from criminals who kick down the doors of homes and come after women and children with guns blazing.
If that does happen, the safest thing to do is to call 911. The most dangerous thing to do is to keep loaded weapons around the house where children can find them and accidentally kill themselves or others.[POLITICO]
Really Roger? Maybe you ought to read something about the prevalence of violence against women. What, you think the guy kicking down the door to attack a woman has to be some random rapist? Sorry dude, odds are the madman kicking down the door is a jilted boyfriend, drunk husband or a stalker. And you think a cell phone is the best weapon against a rape or a life threatening assault? Well let me just remind you, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
I carry a gun because a cop would be too heavy. And a woman in a home alone or with her children deserves to arm herself with whatever the hell she wants to protect her life and the life of her children.
And let's get one more thing straight, Roger, responsible gun ownership means keeping your firearms safely out of the reach of children. Nobody is suggesting that a loaded rifle needs to be left lying around for kids to play with. What a stupid thing to say for a man of your stature.
Do you really think that women tend to be reckless with guns? Is that because you think less of women?
And for your argument that a woman doesn't need a 100 round magazine to protect her kids let me run this scenario by you. Let's say a hurricane destroys transportation, the power grid and over taxes the police department. And let's say lack of food and police protection spawns roving bands of armed marauders ransacking homes looking for food, money and engaging in general mayhem. How many shots would you limit her to? Six, ten, what?
I say she should have as many shots as necessary to stop the threat.
You, on the other hand, apparently don't care about the kind of threats which could jeopardize her life and the lives of her children.
No, you may not be waging war on women, but you sure as hell don't want them to be able to fend off those who are, and that makes you just as guilty as the bad guys.