I was having lunch the other day with an old friend and we spoke about how sad it was that we are living in an era where people are just plain ignorant. Is it the fault of our educational system, of parents, of television or of sneaky politicians who have insidiously dumbed us down? Probably all of the above.
But one recent example of ignorance is one for the books. A Georgia legislator, Rep. Earnest Smith, has propose making satirical photoshopping illegal after someone placed an image of his head on the body of a porn star.
“No one has a right to make fun of anyone. It’s not a First Amendment right” Smith is reported to have said. Really? Can anybody be that uninformed about the Constitution they took an oath to defend?
Of course they can, as the Second Amendment debate going on today illustrates.
So, in celebration of Photoshop and free speech here is a doctored image I recently received of Rand Paul testifying in favor of industrial hemp in Frankfort after I invited someone to try it on this blog.
Funny, cute and protected speech. I especially like the choom gang logo on his shirt and Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin in the background. Good job. And I know Rand will find it funny because he understands the constitution.