Alex Jones was interviewed by Piers Morgan and in typical fashion launched into a ranting tirade, this time about gun control. I get it. The British attempt to disarm us in the 18th century was met with armed revolution, but Jones' threat of a new armed revolution is a bit over the top. And it doesn't stop with him.
On FACEBOOK I've seen a number of posts recently reflecting a similar sentiment, that the people will take up arms against their government if "they come for our guns." I get it. History is filled with examples of governments which disarmed citizens just before enslaving them. Lot's of people are obviously invested in preparing a defiant response to any such action by our government considering how little ammunition is avaiable and how fast guns are being sold around the country. But it doesn't stop there.
Fear and over reaction are not what is driving this rhetoric and the people who are participating in it need to be aware of how they are being played. It is very disappointing to witness so many fellow citizens scrambling to and fro, racing from one incendiary issue to another, throwing around threats of armed revolution so recklessly. They say that they want to be more in control of their own future, but fail to realize that their actions, and their rhetoric, are being manipulated by the very people from whom they want to take back their country.
Do you really think that threatening to take up arms against the government scares the military, homeland security or the White House? Do you really think that when they hear that kind of talk they reassess their plans and back down from their plans, whatever they might be?
Or does it give them the evidence they need to pass the NDAA, appropriate money for armed drones over America, label gun owners as potential terrorists and maybe even justify declaring martial law? I have been warning you against this for a long time now. Your reaction is being provoked. Your response was planned. You are providing those you consider your enemies with exactly what they calculated that you would provide.
Only the craziest of the crazies wants armed civil war. Look around. Look at all the soft, fat, rally attendees in flag shirts who own guns and a few boxes of ammo, spouting threats as if they are prepared to make good on them. Let them hold their wives brains in their laps, have bullets fired at them by trained soldiers, be forced to live out of their "bug out" backpack for not just the three days they prepped for, but for 4 years or longer, sleeping in the rain all the while surrounded by war and hunted by soldiers. Are you really up for that?
And I know that any number of nut jobs will say that my response to this insanity is a sign of weakness, that I would willingly give up my second amendment rights and my liberty and walk obediently into slavery because I urge them to stop with the war mongering and work within the system.
Our founders knew the real cost of revolution. And they never wanted our nation to face that kind of bloody battle again. So they wrote into the Constitution a way to effectuate a peaceful revolution every two years by setting up the Congress so that every single seat comes up for election all at once and providing that not one penny in taxes nor one dollar in spending could originate anywhere else.
And don't let me hear you complain that it is too hard to elect the right kind of people to Congress considering all the vast sums of money now at play and the power of incumbency.
That battle is a cake walk compared to the reality of war.
So stop with all the reckless, dangerous talk about revolution. You are making fools of your fat, old selves. Instead get involved in the political process, run for office, call your elected officials and take control according to the plans our founders laid at your feet.
It beats the hell out of a bullet to the brain.