The left has no room for reason in their quest to disarm America. Thus we have incidents like this one. They fake a story about the father of a slain student being heckled and then don't bother to publish the truth about the only female witness at the hearing being heckled.
CAPITOL HILL -- During a Senate Judiciary Committee
hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill about how to prevent gun violence,
Senior Fellow of the Independent Women’s Forum Gayle Trotter was loudly
heckled by anti-gun advocates in the crowd after she suggested women
need firearms to protect young children in their homes.
"An assault weapon in the hands of a young woman defending her babies
at her home becomes a defense weapon,” Trotter said as jeers erupted.
“Guns are the great equalizer during a violent confrontation.”
Trotter was the only female on a panel of five witnesses who testified.
CATO Institute Policy Analyst and Denver University Professor David
Kopel expressed a similar sentiment to Trotter in written testimony,
pointing out higher violent crime rates in other countries with strict
gun control laws, in particular against women.
“A woman in Great Britain is three times more likely to be raped than
an American woman,” Kopel’s testimony reads. “Overall, the violent crime
rate in England and Wales is far above the American rate. Using the
standard definition for the four most common major violent crimes:
homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.”