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October 31, 2012


Massie is going to win, and win big. You know, and I know it. Don't rag on libertarian Republicans for refusing to "unite" behind nominees they dislike if you refuse to do the same thing.

[Marc's reply: Sometimes they need to get a dose of their own medicine. Loyalty to the party is not a one way street. Thanks for the comment.]


I could care less what kind of car Tom Massie drives, but as a fellow Republican I want to correct some of your mis-statements about Tesla Motors.

Yes, Tesla took a $465M loan guarantee from the federal government. As a loan, they are repaying the money. In fact, the company expects to repay the loan faster than it is due. All while they use the funds to create an American vehicle made by American workers.

By the way, Ford received $5.9B in the same government program. Are we not supposed to buy Ford vehicles either?

You mention Toyota. Just so happens that Toyota has contracted with Tesla to produce the drivetrain for its new RAV4. I'm unsure whether Toyota is a "Obama company," but if you put so much trust in Toyota since they have a NA HQ in NKY, perhaps you should rethink it if they are going to be using Tesla as a parts supplier.

You mention that Tesla produces a "green energy" car. Perhaps you mean the electricity that makes their vehicles run? I guess that's the electricity that is produced in many cases by coal mined in Kentucky and shipped through many portions of the 4th CD. Frankly, there's a good case to be made that if each of us drove plug-in electric cars, there would be a lot more demand for Kentucky coal and larger employment of Kentucky coal miners and those in related industries.

Maybe you prefer cars that run on oil that comes from countries with populations largely hostile to the US.

You also seem to have some resentment that Tesla's factory is located in California. Perhaps you prefer auto manufacturing jobs be located overseas?

You also appear to be under the mistaken impression that Tesla is a failing company. Just this past weekend, Tesla produced it's 1000th Model S vehicle. To put that in perspective, they have 20,000 orders for that vehicle. And at $50-$100K per vehicle, they make a profit on each one. I am unsure what your definition of what a failing company is, but it is surely not a company that has more demand for their product than they can currently supply, while making a profit on each sale?

I'm not here to dissuade you of your opinions about Tom Massie, but if your biggest complaint about the guy is that he may or may not have ordered a Tesla Model S, I think you might need to step away from the computer for a bit and rethink things.

Best to you.

[Marc's Reply: Thanks for the comment. I took half the day off and stepped away from the computer. Here is what I think.

I think that Thomas Massie has railed against any and all government handouts, including Ford, GM, Solyndra and the like. I think Thomas Massie has complained about a government investing money in the private sector in order to appeal to people who find that behavior reckless and unacceptable.

And I think we now know that he has taken money from the government himself to start his business and is now about to take delivery of a TESLA car which was the beneficiary of an Obama green jobs hand out.

I have rethought things and my opinion has not changed. It's not an opinion about Thomas Massie personally, just about the rank hypocrisy in his politics.

Oh, and for the record, I think TESLA makes a cool looking car, just not the one they promised when they got all that money: http://boycotttesla.wordpress.com/tag/mitt-romney/

Thanks again.]

You can only stand up for the people of the 4th District when your willing to go out and stand before them and discuss what you stand for and what you want to do to help your future constituents. Mr. Massie has operated a "run & hide" campaign and has refused to debate Mr. Adkins numerous times except for the KET debate. Anyone who is seeking political office should want to lay out their plan in a public forum, if they don't, they should be disqualified from running. I think Mr. Davis's comments about how Mr. Massie were dead on and we should all be very leary of Mr. Massie and his agenda and now he demonstrates even more hypocritical behaviour by purchasing this vehicle.

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