The main artery of healthy commerce through Kentucky has blockage. It is the aging, clogged Brent Spence Bridge. Built in 1963 and originally designed to carry 80,000 vehicles per day, the bridge is now carrying 160,000 vehicles per day with an increase to 233,000 vehicles per day predicted by 2035.
It has been used as the backdrop and buzzword of politicians without a clear plan for its replacement for far too long. But what is perhaps a bigger holdup than a stalled truck during rush hour has been the inability of our elected officials to find the funding to replace it.
Well I have a suggestion. How about we insist that Congress cut off Barack Obama's funding for the Muslim Brotherhood and use that money right here at home?
The cost of the bridge has been estimated to be somewhat less than $700 million. But today we learn that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have decided to send $1.5 Billion (with a "B") in foreign aid to Egypt, despite the fact that earlier this month outside the US Embassy in Cairo Egyptian Presidential Candidate Tawfiq Okasha called for the expulsion of US Ambassador Anne Patterson, the “enemy of humanity” who “bathes in a sea of the blood of others.”
How did Obama and Clinton react to all of this? Obama has basically said to Egypt "screw democracy, here's the dough."
The Obama administration told Congress on Thursday it will waive democracy requirements to release up to $1.5 billion in aid to Egypt despite concerns that the country is backsliding on commitments it made to democratic governance and rule of law. [Gateway Pundit]
Let's do some simple math. Take $700 million out of that boat load of money the Obama administration is sending to his precious Muslim Brotherhood buddies in Egypt, use that money right here at home to replace the Brent Spence Bridge and boost the local economy and then put the other three quarters of a billion dollars back in the bank.
It's really that simple, Mr. President for not too much longer. Let's get this done people, what do you say?