The Obama administration has cited increases in airport screening as justification for a severe cut in funding for the "armed pilot" program.
The President’s wants to end the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO), also known as the armed pilots program.
The President’s budget lists the FFDO program as one of the few “cuts” to federal spending. They have reduced the program from the $25 million they received this year to $12 million for FY2013. This massive cut to the program would destroy it.
The Obama Administration is arguing that the FFDO program was to be a band aid until the federal government could set up screening to prevent another incident of aviation hijacking and terrorism. They are wrong, because a rational screening and security regime would include a last line of defense for pilots if other security measures fail. [RedState]
I'll trust an armed pilot with my life long before I would out any trust in the goofballs running and working for transportation security. My wife once had a purse stolen off the conveyor belt at security in Portland- after asking them if she could get her purse while they screwed around. They were foreigners to boot and their English was poor... Another brilliant idea from Obama. Does this mean he is giving up his armed guards when he flies as well??
Posted by: someone | February 29, 2012 at 12:23 AM