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August 17, 2011


Mike Wallace is on point !

The thing about this is not that it is or isn't treasonous, it is imho criminal. However, it is news that Perry thinks this. He is reinventing himself since the tea party was born. There is a reason the PPP poll of Obama head to head against Perry had Perry losing to Obama..... in TEXAS.

But his reinvented self isn't wrong, exactly, about the Fed, he just slings more red meat than substance.

Nothing wrong with calling things as they are. I expect that the phrasing is about as deep as Perry is able to go on the subject.

As Governor, his state was the largest recipient recipient of federal stimulus funds. Not surprising the statistic of having the most low wage workers is hanging on his neck. Income stratification (the growing percentage gap between the poor and the wealthy) is caused by that stimulus and the crony capitalism that always favors major political 'influencers' (who get to use the money first) at the expense of the poor.

Perry, before having to campaign in the Tea Party era against Medina was (and is) largely blind to all of the ramifications of our country's deficit financing. Not that I mind him helping to get the message out. I just have no confidence in his convictions if methods more convenient come along.

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