Is "treason" the new "N" word? Has somebody hit a nerve? Is Obama a bit overly sensitive about questions regarding the policies of the Federal Reserve? If they are so "independent" that they are off limits in a political discussion, then why did Obama rush to their defense in his criticism of Rick Perry?
Perry said that if the Fed persists in printing more money in this economic climate that those actions would be nearly treasonous. Well let's begin with defining our terms. The definition of "treason" includes the betrayal of trust, treachery, a violation of allegiance to one's own state.
As more time goes by more and more people have awakened to the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel, portrayed through false advertising as some how or another a part of our government. It is not. It is a private banking cartel to which our government has given a monopoly over our money supply.
Who are its owners? We are not allowed to inquire about this. Efforts to identify the owners of this bank have been met with every form of resistance imaginable, including wars.
We do know that a number of foreign interests seem to control the bank. Among those are some with strong ties to communism.
The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel would be better understood if we dropped the name it chose for itself in order to hide its true purpose. It might better be understood if it was named something like "The Rothschild Family Global Currency Control Center".
Now, on to Rick Perry's comment. He couched his criticism in terms of the current economic climate in the United States. What is the single most important factor in our economic status on a macro basis? (I know, if you are out of work, getting a job is more important. But we are talking national fiscal policy here. Stay seated.)
The single biggest problem we have with our economy is that we are over extended. We have committed to spend more money than we bring in through revenues. How have we done this over the years? We borrowed money and are now so deeply in debt that we cannot pay it back.
Do those who loaned us the money really want it back? No. All they want is the interest on the money, and the more we borrow, the more interest they collect.
Well, wouldn't they EVENTUALLY want their money back? No. After 10 years of collecting 10% interest they have their money back, but then they have years more to collect interest which is pure profit.
So why would they want us to go deeper in debt? Because the more we owe, the more they make.
Who are 'THEY'? We don't know, but their policy of encouraging us to go deeper in debt is not in our country's best interest. (see definition of Treason above.)
Well how is printing more money bad for our nation? Every time more money is printed, the value of the money already out there decreases. Printing money is known as inflating the money supply. That is the definition of "inflation". Inflation doesn't mean price increases, it means inflating the money supply, thus making dollars worth less, thus requiring more dollars to purchase the same things fewer dollars used to buy, thus giving the public the false notion that prices have increased. It is treachery. (see definition of Treason above.)
Well isn't it really off limits for Rick Perry to criticize this private bank for printing money and inflating the money supply, thus making it harder for people to get by on their retirements, their savings and their wages since they are not under the control of Obama? Not if their plans and their policies are working hand in glove with Obama to harm America, intentionally or not. Once it became clear that our debt was killing us, for the Federal Reserve to engage in policies which exacerbated the problems caused by Obama's reckless spending, they have violated an allegiance to this nation which they should honor as part of the trust we placed in them. (see definition of Treason above)
Rick Perry need not shut his mouth because Obama tells him to. In fact, he needs to make this the central part of his campaign. Ron Paul has and as time goes by, more and more people are beginning to see the wisdom in his warnings.
Mike Wallace is on point !
Posted by: Ed Bradley | August 19, 2011 at 09:56 AM
The thing about this is not that it is or isn't treasonous, it is imho criminal. However, it is news that Perry thinks this. He is reinventing himself since the tea party was born. There is a reason the PPP poll of Obama head to head against Perry had Perry losing to Obama..... in TEXAS.
But his reinvented self isn't wrong, exactly, about the Fed, he just slings more red meat than substance.
Posted by: spinnikerca | August 17, 2011 at 02:05 PM
Nothing wrong with calling things as they are. I expect that the phrasing is about as deep as Perry is able to go on the subject.
As Governor, his state was the largest recipient recipient of federal stimulus funds. Not surprising the statistic of having the most low wage workers is hanging on his neck. Income stratification (the growing percentage gap between the poor and the wealthy) is caused by that stimulus and the crony capitalism that always favors major political 'influencers' (who get to use the money first) at the expense of the poor.
Perry, before having to campaign in the Tea Party era against Medina was (and is) largely blind to all of the ramifications of our country's deficit financing. Not that I mind him helping to get the message out. I just have no confidence in his convictions if methods more convenient come along.
Posted by: Mike Wallace | August 17, 2011 at 09:10 AM