From my friend at Labor Union Report:
Former[?] Communist and White House “Green Jobs Czar,” Van Jones, is partnering with in calling on progressives to engage in a massive protest at state capitols in all 50 states this Saturday.
According to Jones, writing in the Huffington Post:
Reinvigorated by the idealism and fighting spirit on display right now in America’s heartland, the movement for “hope and change” has a rare, second chance. It can renew itself and become again a national force with which to be reckoned.
Over the next hours and days, all who love this country need to do everything possible to spread the “spirit of Madison” to all 50 states. This does not mean we need to occupy 50 state capitol buildings; things elsewhere are not yet that dire. But this weekend, the best of America should rally on the steps of every statehouse in the union.
Just in case you missed it, here is what to expect:
Today, union thugs descended on the FreedomWorks office. It was the middle of the day, and there was some excitement outside as all the buses pulled up and people started to fill the courtyard. We decided to go out and show our support for freedom. Intern Steve was quickly suited up.
We wandered around talking to people, and saw the buses lined up on the street. NEA, AFT, SEIU, and CWA signs dominated - a veritable “who’s who” of union thuggery, to be sure. They all had on matching tee shirts and printed signs, as is to be expected.
I was taking pictures and video with my phone, and I heard my coworker getting into a heated exchange with one of the protesters. I turned on my iPhone camera and headed over to film it. They were going back and forth, the protester called my colleague a “little sh*t” just as I walked up, which is where the video starts. Then he noticed I was filming. Here’s what happened:
I know Tabitha Hale very well. She is about 5'1" and a bundle of energy. Here is her account:
"I was not asking for this. There was no confrontation between the thug and myself prior to this. He had not asked me to put the camera away. I was not as close as the video implies (it was cropped from a vertical iPhone video so it would fit on youtube). I was simply filming a protest, as I have done for the past two years. Amazingly enough, none of those crazy right wing extremists ever hit me."
When these guys go to shoving women around, guess what happens next?
You got it. A real man is gonna put them on their asses. Will then all hell break loose? Well, if that's what they want, and by attacking women that's how they plan to get it, then that will probably be what they get.
Be prepared.
Boys, load your pickup trucks with hickory axe handles and shock poles when you drive to town.
Posted by: Big Halsey | February 24, 2011 at 07:46 PM