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May 12, 2010


I haven't seen the picture, I told my friends to see this for me. And they told me how violent is it, very bad. All I can say is that to be able to prevent this, government should take actions first, because they are more powerful. Keep posting !

Oh my God ! For heaven sake ! Is these really true ? I hope Governments should do some ways to prevent this again ! We need actions for this !

"Prevention is the cure". Thanks for sharing this one.

I want to second m9. That looks to me like Drug gangs kind of violence.

Why did we have all that violence during alcohol prohibition and none during drug prohibition? That doesn't make sense to me. The violence, in fact, always existed, but it was concentrated in other countries. Now it's coming to the United States.

As long as drugs are illegal and there is demand for them in this country, the border states will become more an more dangerous, especially as unemployment increases and people get desperate.

Don't get me wrong, borders should be secured and illegals deported, but I want to point out that if history is any guide, prohibition related violence only increases up to the point where legalization occurs.

The drug war drives prison gangs. Prison gangs drive the drug war. Prison does not reform the people who go there, but teaches them the savagery needed to succeed.

It's like war. Most people do not naturally shoot people, but they're taught that by the government.

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