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May 10, 2010


That's what they all say in the beginning ;) Seriously, someone has to challenge him. If you don't want to run yourself I hope you'll at least try to find someone who can :)

John, Oli, not a chance.

I agree you should run against Mitch in 2014 :) And I look forward to reading your debate analysis.

I know it's early, but I'm getting acquainted with the idea that you will be drafted to run for Mitch's seat in 2014 or before if he does not complete his term.

You will have an ally with similar values in Sen. Rand Paul, and I'm convinced that Kentuckians will be ready to give ol' Mitch the boot at last...

Stars are aligning for you Marcus!

I am going to have to still respectfully disagree. McConnell may be hedging his bets, but these I.E. are designed to get this thing close. And, I have to tell you, it is working up here. He has catered his ads up here for Northern Kentuckians. "Help elect a Northern Kentuckian to the U.S. Senate." That is in the video ads up here.

My biggest fear is that Sen. McConnell is going to convince Mr. Grayson to commit a felony at the polling precincts. "I have done everything I can, now it is your turn. You're within reach, what are you going to do to put yourself over the top."

I hope Mr. Grayson does not fall for it.

Oh my goodness! I remember McConnell saying Ernie Fletcher can't win to get support for Anne Northup, and I remember him saying the same thing about Jim Bunning. In fact, I think I used to hear him say that about Rand Paul.

You are right! He had to make good on his promises to Grayson to help, but now when it looks like Paul will win, McConnell just gave Rand a big boost and took away a sizable argument why people should vote for Trey!!!!!

Carey, you spotted this one and called it early. Nice catch.

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