This week the Congress will force a vote on Obamacare, socializing 1/6th of the US economy. This has been done before, and with quite dark consequences.
The Weimar Republic that preceded the Nazi takeover had already witnessed the transformation of the German health-care system from one focused on individual practitioners and individual patients to one more concerned with general public health. Prevention became the watchword. Doctors became more like state functionaries concerned with the nation's general health than individuals accountable to patients for health care.
When a worldwide economic crisis hit in 1929, government expenditures for health care were slashed as were those for public housing, welfare payments and creation programs. The government health-care system began to apply cost-efficiency calculations to medical treatments.
The first victims were those considered weak and "unproductive" to the interests of the state. The eugenicist ideas of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, a hero of today's collectivists promoting socialized medicine, were studied and adopted by the Germans. Charles Darwin's notions about "survival of the fittest" were applied to social engineering policies.
Before Hitler ever came to power, Germans were already euthanizing or sterilizing large numbers of the mentally ill and the mentally retarded.[World Net Daily]
STILL not convinced that you should be doing more to see to the defeat of Obamacare? Okay, stay tuned. There is PLENTY more to come.